Annual Fund

Student tuition and ticket sales cover only 50% of what we need to sustain the Music Center each year. We rely on charitable contributions from friends like you for the remainder. Gifts to our Annual Fund are unrestricted and help cover the costs of daily operations at the Brevard Music Center. The Annual Fund addresses the Center's most pressing needs. It helps pay for such needs as:

  • Student Scholarships
  • Providing faculty salaries and guest artist fees
  • Recruiting and auditioning over 2,000 top students around the country
  • Maintaining 148 buildings over 180 acres
  • Instrument Rentals
  • Materials for Opera Sets and Costumes
  • Rental of Music and Scores

As a donor you will become a direct participant in the education process of students and enrich the cultural heritage of this community, the southeast, and beyond, while you receive benefits that will enhance your experience here.

Learn about the benefits of all levels of annual gifts

Join with the Brevard Music Center by making a gift to the Annual Fund, and be instrumental in the lives of student, faculty and the world of great music.