Volunteering at BMC

From its inception in 1979, the Brevard Music Center Association (BMCA) has provided invaluable service to the Brevard Music Center. Its members are a diverse, educated, and arts-loving group, who impart a wonderful spirit of volunteerism and selfless participation that make them a model for the entire community. Volunteers are the "Ambassadors of the Music Center."

Volunteer Opportunities

The Brevard Music Center Association is the volunteer corps of the Brevard Music Center. It comprises more than 200 volunteers, some of whom work year-round. The most visible volunteers are those wearing blue shirts at concerts. They are ushers, concession stand staff, and gift shop workers. They directly interact with patrons, welcoming them and providing services during performances. Volunteers also serve in the Maestro Society Lounge, and at special events and receptions. In addition, volunteers help with landscaping the campus, administrative work in the office, and with marketing efforts. There is something to do for everyone who wants to share their time and talent with BMC!

Volunteer Registration for the 2025 Season

Interested in volunteering for the 2025 summer season? Registration is open from February 14 to March 14, 2025. If you volunteered during the 2024 season you will be sent an email with online registration information on February 14, 2025. If you are a prospective volunteer and interested in joining us for the 2025 season, please email: volunteer@brevardmusic.org

Volunteer Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions

Please Note: Volunteers may sign up for a maximum of two Concert Committees; you are free to add Non-Concert Committees as desired.

Concert Committees


Assist BMC in providing a quality experience for concert attendees by selling refreshments during performances. Attendance at orientation and training sessions is required. Completion of online training for Alcohol Beverage Control is mandatory for concession cashiers. Opportunities for concession work are available year-round. Minimum Physical Requirements: Concession volunteers must be able to stand for at least 2 hours and work in a loud and fast-paced environment.

Harmony Gifts*

Help raise funds for BMC student scholarships by selling merchandise at the gift shop. This committee is looking for friendly volunteers to engage with patrons and promote merchandise during our summer performances. As a Harmony Gifts volunteer, you will work as part of a team and help with setup, serving patrons, and cleanup. Attendance at an orientation training session is required. Volunteers can expect to work at least 5 to 6 performances throughout the summer. Minimum Physical Requirements: Harmony Gifts volunteers must be able to stand for at least 2 hours.

Maestro Society Lounge**

The Maestro Society Lounge is a special venue for Brevard Music Center’s most generous supporters to relax, socialize, and renew friendships. Volunteers in the Maestro Society Lounge warmly and respectfully welcome Maestro Society members and their guests before performances and during intermissions, serving refreshments in an atmosphere that celebrates the contributions of donors. Working in the lounge requires teamwork, which includes tasks such as setup, serving, and cleanup. Opportunities for volunteers are available at 2 to 4 performances each summer season. Attendance at orientation training is expected, and all volunteers are required to complete online Alcohol Beverage Control training. Minimum Physical Requirement: Volunteers must be able to stand for up to three hours.


Help BMC staff ensure the safety and satisfaction of patrons at approximately 60 concerts during the summer festival and 8 concerts in the off-season Parker Concert Series. Each concert requires about 10-20 volunteers. Ushers should be comfortable performing the following duties: Welcome, assist, and seat patrons. Electronically scan tickets (basic training will be provided). Walk around the WPA and up and down the risers at Parker Concert Hall. Assist patrons who may have walkers or wheelchairs. Respond tactfully to patron questions and concerns. The time commitment is around 3½ hours per concert, and volunteers are asked to serve at a minimum of 3 concerts during the summer season. Attendance at orientation training is expected. Minimum physical requirements: Be on your feet for 2 to 3 hours, walk up and down steps or risers, and read the ticket information on phones and paper tickets (which is somewhat small text).


Serve as an ambassador for the BMC and the Brevard community at Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium, the Parker Concert Hall, and the Porter Center summer concert events, as well as at downtown festivals. Your role will involve welcoming patrons to concerts and sharing information and encouraging support of the Annual Student Scholarship Fund by promoting the sale of raffle tickets for a chance to win a new car. We welcome friendly volunteers who enjoy interacting with visitors. Attendance at orientation training is required.

*Volunteers of these committees are required to wear official volunteer shirts (which can be ordered when registering) and khaki slacks/skirts when working at concerts.

**Volunteers of these committees are required to wear white shirts and black slacks or skirts when working.

Non-Concert Committees

Deliveries & Special Projects

Help spread the word about BMC by joining the Deliveries and Special Projects Committee. Formerly known as the Mailing & Deliveries Committee, this group’s primary function is to deliver BMC promotional materials to local and nearby communities each April/May. Periodically we may assist with other BMC projects such as filling Prelude Gala gift bags or other BMC promotional projects.


Share your gardening skills in beautifying the BMC campus. You may adopt an individual garden space and/or work in groups. Participate in the planning and implementation of the gardens. Volunteers do light to moderate physical labor. Volunteers can work flexible hours of their choosing. This committee is active from spring through autumn.

Photography & Communications

Disseminate information to the community through local publications and media outlets in order to interest locals and summer visitors in joining our team of volunteers. Our main need is for people with a good eye and a quality cell phone camera to capture those special moments that volunteers experience during their work. Attendance at orientation training is expected.

Special Events

Assist BMC at unique non-concert events by helping with setup, service, breakdown, and cleanup, while comfortably interacting with vendors, staff, sponsors, and donors. Previous BMC Maestro Society Lounge or Concessions experience is helpful. Completion of online training for Alcohol Beverage Control is required for Special Events volunteers. Volunteers for this committee must wear a solid white shirt and either black pants or skirt. Special Events volunteer opportunities are limited in number and may be available on a pop-up basis year-round. Minimum physical requirements: Special Events volunteers must be able to stand for 4+ hours.

Volunteer Office

Work in support of BMC staff and BMCA Committees to maintain and utilize the volunteer database and lend office assistance. Tasks include reviewing the annual volunteer registration form and providing input on changes for the new season, maintaining prospective volunteer email lists, coordinating volunteer shirt orders and distribution, creating volunteer name badges, and facilitating email and telephone communications. The Volunteer Office committee also assists with the Volunteer Orientation Luncheon and Volunteer Appreciation Night. The Committee works year-round but is busiest from January through May and in late July/early August. Volunteers who are comfortable using Gmail, Microsoft Office (Word and Excel), and have good organizational skills would enjoy working with the Volunteer Office.

Volunteer Support

The Volunteer Support committee represents the BMCA in recruiting volunteers at community events, performing community outreach, and encouraging referrals from current volunteers and media. The committee also works to retain volunteers through communications and activities to build engagement, while recognizing volunteers for their work and dedication.

Volunteer Technology Committee

The Volunteer Technology Committee is a team of two to five individuals who configure and administer the Music Center's volunteer management software. Tasks include managing volunteer data, communicating with committee chairpersons and volunteers, retrieving important volunteer data through searches and reporting, customizing account settings to track new information, providing support, and training committee chairpersons and volunteers on the use of the system. Candidates should be team players, detail oriented, and have data processing or information technology experience in their background. As a member of the technology team, you will have a busy period from March through mid-May (10 to 25 hours per week, occasionally) and 10 to 15 hours per month the remainder of the year. If you are the type of person who enjoys sharing their technical skills in support of a great organization, you are the type of person the Volunteer Technology Committee needs.